Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Inconclusive Tibetan Paradox

Tibet's illegal occupation by China back in 1959 led to a prolonged pain of homelessness, insecurity, distress, and uncertainty.
Free-Tibet-dream is still young in these aging eyes 

These eyes! Gloomy yet hopeful. They saw their houses looted and demolished to rubble. They saw their women raped, and their loved ones murdered and butchered. They saw things worse than a nightmare. They saw obscurity darker than a new moon night.

These faces! Dejected yet sanguine. They still wait for the darkness to get over. They wait for the night to pass and await wishing each other on a new morning of freedom and peace.They wait for their loved ones to return. They await justice for their women, children who were raped, tortured and butchered.

These souls!  Perturbed yet calm. They are worried. Worried because China's dictatorial tendencies are rising. Worried because the aid coming from the West is shrinking. Worried because their future is unforseeable. Worried because their culture and identity are dimming day by day. Worried because their community is scattered and disconnected.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


 @हिमानी चामुंडा



सरहदें, गुलाबी सी

दिन रात की वो गुलाबी सरहदें
जिनकी सैर पर हम अक्सर निकल जाया करते हैं 


दो फूल एक माली

एक खूबसूरत तिब्बती नगमा। आज तिब्बती धर्मगुरू दलाई लामा का जन्मदिन था। इस मौके पर तिब्बती समुदाय के बीच जश्न का माहौल रहता है। कई तरह के कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन किया जाता है। 

दिल के तार. An artist playing sitar on a Gaddar Hindi film's number ' Ud ja Kale Kanwa Tere'

शामें दिन-रात की सरहदें होती है। ये सरहदें अक्सर खूबसूरत हुआ करती है। और, इन सरहदों को नापने हम भी अक्सर पहुंच जाया करते है।
पत्ता पत्ता बूटा बूटा हाल हमारा जाने है

बारिश के मौसम में फूलों से भी बूंदें उग आती है

धर्मशाला की ये उजली रातें कभी हमारी जान ले बैठेगी। रातें जिसकी इतनी खूबसूरत हो उसकी शामें और सुबहें कितनी उम्दा हो सकती है ? 