Monday, June 07, 2021

World Food Saftey Day- What Media can do

#worldFoodSafetyDay From cultivation to consumption, media's role in the matter of food safety is equally important.When UNGA (United Nation General Assembly) says 'Food safety is everybody's business' it necessarily include all media persons, especially environmental & agriculture journalists, travel and food-b(v)loggers.

You must remember the discussion around Genetically Modified (GM) crops? There has been a long and persisting confusion over the safety and efficacy of GM crops. There were (are) only a few media outlets that reported and pursued this issue sincerely . 

Food and travel bloggers, on the other hand, whenever recommending any place of eating to their audiences should make sure that they are not fooling them. They should clarify to their audience if their coverage of a specific eating point is paid or unpaid. Media also plays a significant role in promoting good food habits and food safety awareness as well.

Its World Food Safety day today! And, for healthy tomorrow we need safe food today.

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