Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Smartphone conundrum

Let's say if you are a girl and grown up in a typical middle-class Indian family, have you ever faced a situation when your parents suddenly started signaling that now this was the time when you should stop going out and stop having fun with the cosmopolitan (boys and girls) group, you have been with since you met them. I am not gonna philosophize here much. Just an analogy and a question- Can you guess the age when parents of this kid (in the picture above)  gonna draw a permanent line between the phone and her/him and tell her/him that now this is the age to stop having fun with a smartphone?  Through this analogy, I am not advocating that children of all ages should be allowed to keep smartphones, neither am I undermining the situation I mentioned in the beginning, But what
I just want to ask- can you guess the age?  

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